Work with Nikki
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Want to skip all the calorie counting, eating next to nothing, working outĀ 24/7Ā only to regain it all back again and again??

Are you a woman over 40 whoĀ feelsĀ frustrated becauseĀ you are "doing all the right things" and still aren'tĀ losingĀ weight no matter what you try?
Discover how mindset and behavior techniques along with fueling your body and movement ensure you reach the lean, healthy body you desire!
Let me show you how toĀ lose weight without dieting.
Grab Your FREE E-Book!

Most women gain 5-8% of their baseline body weight in the first 2 years of menopause. 

 Some sobering statistics: 

  •  +- 45 million Americans are dieting each year.

  • Annually we spend $33 billion on weight loss products.  (BMC – Boston Medical Centre). 

  • Worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975.

  • More women (56.4%) try to lose weight than men (41.7%)

  • Most women gain 5-8% of their baseline body weight in the first 2 years of menopause.

  • Women going through phases of menopause have shifts in body composition (a.k.a. holding more body fat)

  • Women have an increased risk in cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, along with hormonal disruptions and sleep deprivation.

  • Women live one-third of their lives (about 30 years) after menopause. 


WHAT IF there was a fresh approach to losing weight that didn't require you to diet anymore? 

Apply To Work With Nikki

What Does It Mean To YOU To Have Sustainable Weight Loss....

How about having access to limitless energy, finally being rid of dieting, feeling confident in your clothes (in them and out of them!)...and most importantly achieving you ideal weight and knowing EXACTLY how to keep it off!

Are YOU ready to stop struggling and take your health and wellness to a whole new level?Ā 


Apply To Work With Nikki

Private 1-1 Coaching

6 Month Coaching Opportunities
Personalized 1-1 private supportĀ customizedĀ forĀ youĀ so that you can lose the weight for the last time.

12 Week Jump Start Challenge

The hardest part is losing the first 10 lbs.
Get the Jump Start you need!
Limited to onlyĀ 20 women.
First in, first served!

Workout App

At-Home Workouts Designed Specifically For Women Over 40!

Every 4 weeks, you will get 4 new workouts!

These workouts are fast and effective!

All workouts are under 30 minutes so you can get it done and move on with your day!

Complete with warm up and cool down stretches.Ā 



Hi! I'mĀ Nikki T.

Since 2002, Iā€™ve beenĀ involved in the fitness and weight loss industry.Ā I constantly see women overĀ 40 specifically, strugglingĀ with losing weight and self-image, likeĀ I did for years. That's why I decided to dedicate my life to share that YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT AND KEEP IT OFF, WITHOUT DENYINGĀ YOURSELF, even afterĀ 40 and even after having kids.

Why am IĀ so passionate about this? I experienced it growing up in the ballet world and being a professional dancer thatĀ just hit the big 5-0! Trained professional dancers or athletes can probably relate. Performing your athleticism is a privilege and has itĀ“s proā€™s. But the cons are real: extreme perfectionism, competitiveness, trauma from verbal & emotional abuse, injuries, disorganized eating,Ā body image shaming, stress and anxiety of meeting unrealistic expectations, hours of intense training. With me it resultedĀ in a lifeĀ altering illness. It took dedication and selfcare to beat it in 8 months. TheseĀ consĀ became a pivotal aspect of my own life journey.

After my professional dancing career, I focused onĀ obtainingĀ certifications in Fitness, Nutrition, and Behavioral Change to compliment my mindset education and medical degree...

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What Clients Are Saying


It was time to do something, and Nicole spoke straight to my challenges and issues in a way that I knew I could calmly and effectively make a shift in my habits. Nicole is able to see right inside the areas I can’t see, easily break them open in a gentle way that isn’t confrontational but is highly effective. I have forever lost the dieter's mentality (very quickly, in about 2-3 weeks), which has given my life more space then I could have ever known. I lost 1.5 inches all around in 3 months during a very stressful time, and continue to feel better and better in my clothes and strength. Join today! Do it now. Life changing, don’t wait. I wish I had known Nicole 15 years ago, 20 years ago or when I was a teenager.


I have done so many diets over the years. I know how many calories are in a 5 oz glass of wine. I know how to do an effective HIIT workout. And I know I feel better and have more energy when my weight is in a good spot. That being said after having my second child, I just didn’t feel like I had the mental part worked out. I was sick of thinking of food being “good” or “bad,” and cutting out carbs or meat or dairy or whatever. I wanted to get my brain back. That’s why I love working with Nicole. There’s no dieter’s mentality, no counting calories, no foods are off limits or “bad”. It’s all about her golden rule. It’s working. My clothes are fitting better, I am more aware of my thoughts, and I feel like I look better. I love that Nicole helps me to celebrate the small wins. I also have questions about the money because I want a program to be a good return on my investment, and let me just say, not only was the price right, but my overall experience has been fantastic.


I wish I had met Nicole earlier.. I am 52 years old and in the best shape of my life. If I had started working with Nicole earlier I could have been in better condition when I was younger. For 30 years, I took all kinds of aerobics classes and never saw the changes that I have seen in the short amount of time I have been training with Nicole.


Down 40 lbs!


Down 16 lbs (she's 4'9")


Down 90lbs!

5 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight Over 40


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